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nuclear magnetic resonance 原子核偶磁共振。

nuclear physics

Shanxi medicine university the second hospital was initially established in 1919 , is the largest comprehensive tertiary a - class hospital in shanxi province . there are 750 sickbeds and equipped with middle and large - scale medical devices like ct , blood vessle radiography , nuclear magnetic resonance and gamma knife total 200 pieces . numerous medical branches show its remarkable advantage and special features in the province and in china 山西醫科大學第二醫院始建于1919年,是山西省內最大的綜合性三級甲等醫院,醫院設有病床750張,現代化大中型醫療設備如ct血管造影機核磁共振伽瑪刀等200余臺,多個專科在全省乃至全國都有明顯的優勢和特色。

Isolation and purification of four main peptide toxins from a . fuligiea were undergone by means of rp - hplc , and idenfication of the chemical structure of - amanitin and - amanitin by nuclear magnetic resonance ( nmr ) showed that the the chemical structure were the same as the reference 對灰花紋鵝膏菌的四種主要肽類毒素進行了分離純化,并用質譜和核磁共振對兩種鵝膏毒肽( - amanitin 、 - amanitin )進行了結構鑒定。結果與文獻報道的相一致。

The principles of differential scanning calorimetry , electron microscope , nuclear magnetic resonance and x - ray were introduced in this paper together with their applications in oil quality control , development direction of investigation on oil quality control was also forecasted here 摘要介紹了現代物理化學方法(差示掃描量熱法、電子顯微鏡、核磁共振法、 x -射線衍射法)的原理及其在油脂質量控制中的應用,并預側了油脂質量控制研究的發展方向。

In their quest to build a computer that would take advantage of the weirdness of quantum mechanics , physicists are pursuing a number of disparate technologies , including superconducting devices , photon - based systems , quantum dots , spintronics and nuclear magnetic resonance of molecules 物理學家想盡各種辦法,希望能利用量子力學的奇異特性來建造出量子電腦,其中包括超導裝置、光子系統、量子點、自旋電子學,以及分子的核磁共振。

In the evaluation of mud cap layers , cross - plot and nuclear magnetic resonance log porosity curve overlap method was adopted to the comprehensive analysis of yn2 well tight sand reservoir and 3 sets of reservoir - seal combinations are found accurately 筆者在重點對泥質蓋層進行研究評價的同時,采用交會圖法和核磁共振測井孔隙度曲線重疊法對具有致密砂巖蓋層的yn2井進行了全面地儲蓋組合評價分析,準確地找到了三套儲蓋組合。

Vanadium complexes with catecholate or pyrazine 2 - carboxylate ligands were prepared and characterized by fourier transform infrared spectroscopy , 1h nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy , ultraviolet - visible spectroscopy , and elemental analysis 制備了含苯磷二酚配體或吡嗪2 -羥酸酯配體的釩配合物,并運用傅里葉變換紅外光譜、核磁共振譜、紫外可見光譜及元素分析對其進行了表征。

Based on analyzing data from thin section , scanning electron micrograph and mercury injection , using nuclear magnetic resonance ( nmr ) , rock - electr experiment and numerical simulation techniquess , etc . to analyze main origin of complex oil and water zones 摘要在對薄片、掃描電鏡、壓汞資料分析基礎上,采用核磁共振、巖電實驗和數值模擬等手段,分析研究了復雜油水層的主要成因。

Nuclear magnetic resonance ( nmr ) data are used to study back - exchange at specific sites in typical solvents used for separation and analysis , and the derived rates are found to be predictable using methods established for aqueous solvents 根據核磁共振( nmr )數據研究了在分離和分析所用典型溶液的特定位置上的返交換效應,并發現可以使用為水相溶劑建立的方法對衍生化率進行預測。

The schemes which are puted forward at ' present have mainly made use of the interaction of atoms and optical - cavity , cold trapped ion , electronics spin or nuclear magnetic resonance , quantum dots manipulation and superconducting quantum interference etc . 目前已經提出的方案主要利用了原子和光腔相互作用、冷阱束縛離子、電子或核自旋共振、量子點操縱、超導量子干涉等。

Researchers have proposed many implementation technologies such as nmr ( nuclear magnetic resonance ) , ion trap etc . the 5 qubits and 7 qubits quantum computer have been built in laboratory 已經提出了多種量子計算機的物理實現技術,如核磁共振、離子阱等。目前在實驗室中已經研制出了7位量子計算機原型系統,量子計算機的可行性問題已經解決。

Nuclear magnetic resonance ( nmr ) and magnetic resonance imaging ( mri ) technologies are widely used for physical , chemical , material and biomedical analysis and medical diagnosis 摘要核磁共振波譜和核磁共振成像技術( mri )已經成為一種廣泛應用于物理、化學、材料、生物醫學等領域的重要研究工具和醫療診斷手段,但是儀器復雜、價格昂貴。

To illustrate the influence of different regularization operator on the inversion of water content distribution from surface nuclear magnetic resonance ( nmr ) signal , synthetic data of noise free and contaminated have been investigated 摘要不同的模型約束對基于正則化反演技術的地面核磁共振測深數據反演影響很大。

Currently , millions of dollars are being spent in structural genomics efforts to determine the structures of proteins experimentally using x - ray crystallography and nuclear magnetic resonance ( nmr ) 如果可以通過計算來解決,將可以大量減少結構生物學研究的費用。

Nuclear magnetic resonance ( nmr ) technology play an import role in improving nuclear material stockpile circumstances and long - term security management of nuclear waste materials 摘要核磁共振技術對核材料貯存環境的改善、核廢料的長期安全管理具有非常重要的意義。

Imagine if the mri scanner had been known by the name that is often used by researchers , the nmr imaging device : the nuclear magnetic resonance machine 可以想象,如果mri掃描儀為人所共知的僅僅是其經常被研究人員所使用的名字nmr圖像裝置,也就是核磁共振設備。

The active aspects include ion traps , nuclear magnetic resonance ( nmr ) technique , quantum electrodynamics cavities , josephons junctions , and semiconductors quantum dots 主要包括離子阱、核磁共振、量子電動力學腔、約瑟夫結和半導體量子點。

Introduced are the principle , methods of low field nuclear magnetic resonance ( nmr ) imaging technology and it ' s application in rock petrophysics experiment 摘要主要介紹了低場核磁共振成像技術的原理、方法及在巖石物理實驗方面的應用。

Methods for analysis of oilseed residues - simultaneous determination of oil and water contents - method using pulsed nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy 油料種子殘留物的分析方法.油和水含量的同步測定.脈沖核磁共振分光測定法

Oilseeds - simultaneous determination of oil and water contents - method using pulsed nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometry iso 10565 : 1998 ; german version en iso 10565 : 1998 油料子.油和水分含量的同時測定.脈沖核磁共振譜測定